Your giving is making a difference
We believe in honoring God with our first and trust His Word that He will bless the rest.
God is moving in powerful ways in our midst. Thank you for being a part of all that He is doing in and through our House in these days.
Every time you give to Bethany Church, you’re helping fulfill the mission to reach people for Christ. Because of your generosity, lives are being transformed, marriages restored, and relationships strengthened. We are so grateful for you. Thank you!
You can give in many different ways...
1) ON SUNDAY SERVICE. You can give using the tithe envelopes provided in service, or find an envelope at the welcome desk. In addition to digital giving, we also accept cash, checks, and money orders. These can be placed in the offering baskets at our worship gatherings.
Need Some Help?
If you have any questions or need help, do not hesitate to contact our accounting team at +44208 5712156 or
For more information, please get in touch with us on our Contact page.